Welcome Reception-"Puerto Rican Hispanic Summit"
Welcome Reception-"Puerto Rican Hispanic Summit"
HELLO! You are Cordially invited to the Welcome Reception for the Puerto Rican Hispanic Business Summit 2015! We are excited to have you! Hosted by Ignacio Veloz, Chairman of the USHCC.....Join us as we celebrate & welcome all Chamber Presidents from Puerto Rico ! Thank you to All our Sponsors …
Thursday, June 11 2015
8:30 PM
10:30 PM
Puerto Rican Hispanic Business Summit #PRHBS
Puerto Rican Hispanic Business Summit #PRHBS
The New York State Hispanic Coalition Chamber of Commerce of New York City in conjunction with Chairman of the USHCC, Ignacio Veloz and the Puerto Rican Day Parade Association are inviting all the New York City members of the NYSHCCOC, including Puerto Rico’s Chamber Presidents, Out of State Chambe…
Friday, June 12 2015
9:30 AM
5:00 PM